General Information
About Newbold Hope and what we can offer for professional staff
Newbold Hope is a CPD accredited parent-led organisation which works with parents and professionals to reduce anxiety-led difficult and dangerous behaviour in children and young people with disabilities and additional needs. Newbold Hope also works to change the widespread but misguided societal perceptions of blame and judgement towards this group of children and their families.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Newbold Hope has delivered over 400 live online training sessions about behaviour-related topics to parents and professionals, with around 30,000 people attending at least one of the sessions.
The sessions promote The Newbold Hope Approach, which is rooted in kindness, understanding, encouraging open-mindedness and curiosity, with absolutely no judgement or blame.
Newbold Hope also runs an online community for parents of this cohort of children with over12,000 members including some of the most vulnerable families in the UK. There is also a separate community for professionals and support staff who work with this group of families across health, education, social care, and the Third Sector.
We work closely with families within our community to co-produce all our training. This means that every strategy we suggest has already been successfully implemented by other families, so we know that they work.
The organisation was founded in April 2017 by Yvonne Newbold MBE, a mother with first-hand lived experience of violent and challenging behaviour in her profoundly disabled son with complex medical needs. It now has a small team, all of whom are parents with lived experience who, like Yvonne, successfully moved their children beyond their violent episodes and towards much happier times with a future full of hope.
So far, Newbold Hope has successfully enabled thousands of other families to significantly reduce or completely eradicate difficult and dangerous behaviour in their children.
Evaluations from people attending Newbold Hope online training sessions are consistently positive, and indicate that: -
The helpfulness of the sessions is rated as 9.6 out of 10.
97% of parents attending report that they feel more confident in their parenting skills.
99% of parents would recommend the sessions to other families,
Based on messages of thanks and other forms of informal follow-up communications with people 3 or more months after attending one of our training sessions, a very significant number of families have successfully reduced their children’s difficult and dangerous behaviour episodes in terms of intensity, duration and frequency, and report that they are now at much more manageable levels.
Evaluation on the impact of joining the online community group is similarly positive, with 97% of members reporting that family life had become easier since joining the group.
Working as closely as we do with families of children and young people who have a disability or an additional need, as well as presenting with extreme behaviours, Newbold Hope understands the positive impact it can have when staff supporting these families and young people have a good understanding of the underlying causes of these behaviours, and how important it is to offer real support without judgement or blame. All our training is solution-focused and is packed full of practical and doable strategies which have already be proven to work for countless families.
Lived experience informs everything that we do at Newbold Hope, and we are uniquely positioned to deliver robust training that is rooted in real-life and informed by the very real needs of this group of children, young people and their families. We have unrivalled experience in being able to share practical strategies that have already been proven to work with countless other families.