How to Reduce Stress Around Screen Time and Internet Use

Presented by Yvonne Newbold

When a child’s behaviour is off-the-scale of extreme, often one of the most common behaviour triggers is internet or screen related, and things can often escalate when a child is asked to move onto doing something else. Maybe your child loves gaming or perhaps they want to watch YouTubers from dawn until dusk or it might be that social media or something else completely has caught their full attention. Whatever their passion, many children with additional needs can be very resistant to coming off the internet, which can quickly lead to conflict, extreme behaviour or even violent episodes in some families.

This session will look at why the internet and screen time hold such a strong appeal for your child, and we will look at the positives as well as the negatives, as well as how to keep them safe online.

During the session, we will look at lots of the common difficulties that families face with their child’s internet use, as well as sharing dozens of very practical and easy ideas, suggestions and strategies that can make a big difference.

Here are just some of the areas we will be covering –

  • Gaming, looking at the most popular games and what their appeal is, as well as looking at in-game purchases, why children want to buy so much and what you can do to limit spending.
  • YouTube – we will discuss some of the most popular YouTubers, who they are, what they do, and why your child loves them so much.
  • Social Media – the pitfalls and the pluses
  • Online social interactions – supporting your child to manage online friendships successfully.
  • Internet Safety – and how to communicate risks to your child.
  • What your child may be gaining or learning from their internet usage
  • The impact of Anxiety and low Self-Esteem on a SEND child and why being online makes them feel safer and happier within themselves.
  • Internet addiction – when should you be concerned?
  • Packed full of practical strategies, ideas, and suggestions that you can start using straight away.