Newbold Community Membership Site

The Newbold Community Membership Site is a special place for parents who actively want to make a difference for their child and for their family. When you become a member:

  • You’ll be part of an emotionally safe community of families where you are all learning together
  • You’ll get ongoing support as you learn and as you implement new strategies
  • We’ll be there to celebrate your successes and to rethink together when things don’t go so well.
  • You’ll be able to access brand new training material from Yvonne that isn’t available anywhere else.
  • Every week there will be a brand new mini course about a particular aspect of difficult and dangerous behaviour and why it happens, with strategies you can put in to practice straight away.
  • You can progress at your own pace, in your own time – the club never closes
  • Monitor your progress through each of the courses – watch how your skills, knowledge and confidence is growing
  • There will be live sessions with Yvonne and her team where you can ask questions and chat through difficulties
  • There will be a members-only forum where you can ask and learn from each other because the best information always comes from other parents who are living it
  • As club members you’ll get to hear before anyone else about our work at Newbold hope and any new developments

Welcome to the club!

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